"This is a charming tale from H.G. Wells about a young boy named Gip who visits a magic shop for his birthday with his father. But this is not just any magic shop – the shopkeeper insists that this is a genuine magic shop. The story is an entertaining adventure as Gip, like any young boy of his age, experiences the pure enjoyment of true magic while his skeptical father grapples with having to draw the line between slight of hand and genuine magic"
I listened to my first Audio Book, today. I searched on the net for some 'free' ones and found a few sites with them. So I downloaded The Magic Shop by H.G. Wells, narrated by Michael Scott.
I wasn't sure what sort of book it was and realised it was a child's book, this didn't put me off as I like reading Young authors books anyway. It was really quite charming. It's about how Gip goes to a magic shop with his father for his birthday, and strange magical things happen. It's a short story and only last half an hour. So it's not the sort of book I would be drawn into, with it being so short and also aimed at young children. I'm glad I listened to it though, it was good cooking dinner and being told a story at the same time. The narrator is American and I enjoyed listening to him tell this story. I wouldn't say it was the best but being my first I am sure to find better ones. I want to look out for some English ones, and audio books that I can get gripped with, ones that have emotion and that can make you feel as though you are there.
It is my first H.G. Wells book and I would look for some more. I think if my 11year old son Joe, would like to listen to this.
Exit West, by Mohsin Hamid
[image: Mohsin Hamid]
I have read and enjoyed a few of Mohsin Hamid's novels on audiobook, and *Exit
West* was no exception. The spare, sparse writing sty...
7 years ago
Just wanted to say I love the new green colour of your blog! I must give audio books a go, I am so snotty only reading paper ones.
Awww thanks Katie, I got fed up with all the pink and needed a change.
Also, I was like that about audio books at first, but it's nice listening to a story as you cook or knit etc...
I'm listening to A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens now. :)
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